Welch Allyn
Explore the Welch Allyn RetinaVue 700 diabetic screening machine. This retinal handheld camera offers automated retina imaging, auto-alignment, auto-focus and auto-capture.
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Welch Allyn


As the latest addition to the RetinaVue care delivery model family, the RetinaVue 700 imager makes retinal exams simple and affordable1 in primary care.


This easy-to-use smart camera offers an automated retinal imaging experience featuring auto-alignment, auto-focus and auto-capture. It provides flexible options for your workflow, including EMR and WiFi connectivity for efficient information transfer and seamless integration. The RetinaVue 700 imager works exclusively with HIPAA-compliant, FDA-cleared Welch Allyn RetinaVue Network software with end-to-end data encryption (a RetinaVue Network software subscription is required and priced per camera, per month). With the RetinaVue care delivery model, primary healthcare providers can transfer images to ophthalmologists at Welch Allyn RetinaVue, P.C. or another preferred specialist for review.


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  • 60º wide field of view 
  • Meets ISO 10940 optical standard for ophthalmic instruments
  • RetinaVue Network software is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud
  • Small, handheld retina camera is ideal for performing retinal exams in busy clinics and mobile healthcare applications
  • The RetinaVue care delivery model can help you improve HEDIS, Star3 and HCC risk factors by closing care gaps for patients living with diabetes4

Current RETINAVUE Promotion

A clinician explains to her patient how she will use the RetinaVue 700 to screen him for eye disease.

Easy to Use

Keep your focus on your patient, not on difficult-to-use technology.


Get an immediate quality score on the image you capture.


The portable solution for primary care.


Enjoy peace of mind and safeguard what matters.
A clinician holding a tablet device speaks with her patient in the exam room.

Seamless Workflow

Place retinal exam orders and automatically access diagnostic reports from your EMR. To help you streamline procedures, we offer wireless connectivity and fully integrated bi-directional interfaces with several EMRs, including Allscripts, athenahealth, Cerner, Epic, NextGen and others.


RETINAVUE Care Delivery Model

Order exams in your EMR


Exams in your EMR


Aquire images with Simple and Affordable Retinal Cameras


Images with Simple and Affordable1 Retinal Cameras

Transfer images Securely with HIPAA - compliant SOC-2 Certified Software


Images Securely with
HIPAA - Compliant SOC-2 Certified Software



From Remote Ophthalmologists Returned in One Business Day


At 28, Monica began to lose her vision. By the time she was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, it was too late. play_circle_outline

Watch Monica's Story

A video introduction to the Welch Allyn RetinaVue 700 handheld retinal imager. play_circle_outline

Meet the RETINAVUE 700 Imager

Complete this form to learn more and schedule a demo.


Education & Documentation

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Product Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

Parts & Accessories

SmartCare Services:

RETINAVUE 700 Imager

Explore our service plans for the RetinaVue 700 Imager.

Close up of girls eyes

Already Purchased Your Plan?  Activate it today and start reaping the benefits.   Activate Now

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Protect Your Patients With Proactive Service Solutions

For fewer interruptions, better patient care and peace of mind.

Welch Allyn RetinaVue 700 Imager, side view

SMARTCARE Services for the RetinaVue 700 Imager 

SMARTCARE Comprehensive

  • Includes hardware and software support, overnight exchanges and accessory protection


  • Includes hardware and software support, overnight exchanges and accessory protection, plus SmartCare remote management and drop protection.

*New software applications and non-standard EMR software integrations may incur additional charges.

Imager Standard
SMARTCARE Comprehensive    Premium   
Length of Coverage 1 Year 1 Year          1,3 or 5 Years
Hardware/Software Support
Customer Service 8am–8pm ET, M-F 8am–8pm ET, M-F 8am–8pm ET, M-F
Advanced Exchange Two-day Overnight Overnight
Virtual Software Diagnosis and Troubleshooting With Our Technical Service Team
Existing Software* and Firmware Updates and Improvements
Accessory Protection  
Drop Protection    
SMARTCARE Remote Management      

Rx Only: For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.

1.    Cuadros J, Bresnick G. Can commercially available handheld retinal cameras effectively screen diabetic retinopathy? J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2017 Jan; 11(1):135-7. 
2.    Baxter data on file.
3.    Baxter. Rendr Care Achieves 5-Star Compliance for Diabetic Retinopathy Exams with WELCH ALLYN RETINAVUE Care Delivery Model. https://www.hillrom.com/en/knowledge/case-study/rendr-care-retinavue-testimonial/. Accessed July 17, 2023. 
4.    Mansberger SL, Gleitsmann K, Gardiner S, et al. Comparing the effectiveness of telemedicine and traditional surveillance in providing diabetic retinopathy screening examinations: A randomized controlled trial. Telemed J E Health. 2013 Dec; 19(12): 942-8. 
5.    CPT Professional 2021 codebook. https://www.cms.gov/medicare/physician-fee-schedule/search?Y=0&T=4&HT=0&CT=0&H1=92228&M=5 Accessed September 9, 2022.

Baxter, Hillrom, RetinaVue, SmartCare and Welch Allyn are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.
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