As you face budget constraints and ever-changing priorities it's important to stay focused on preserving vision with providing easy access to diabetic retinal exams.
We recognize that you may have to temporarily adjust budgets and programs. Baxter has identified a budget-friendly way to buy the equipment and software you need today to provide access to potentially vision-saving diabetic retinal exams during routine office visits.
A variety of flexible leasing and deferred payment programs are available to meet your needs with an extremely simple and straightforward documentation process.
Defer payments for up to six months with interest as low as zero percent
Pay monthly lease or one balloon payment after deferral
Address near-term cash flow concerns
Provide access to new technology to support patient care
Simple documentation
Fill out the form below and a representative will be in touch to show you the cost and purchase payment options available to you.
Don’t miss out on this exclusive offer!
Rx Only: For safe and proper use of the products mentioned herein, please refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual or Instructions for Use.
1. Mansberger SL, Gleitsmann K, Gardiner S, et al. Comparing the effectiveness of telemedicine and traditional surveillance in providing diabetic retinopathy screening examinations: A randomized controlled trial. Telemed J E Health. 2013 Dec; 19(12): 942-8.
Baxter, Hillrom, RetinaVue and Welch Allyn are trademarks of Baxter International Inc. or its subsidiaries.
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