Medical Students
The Right Equipment, Right from the Start.
Learn and perfect the basic physical exam with industry-leading diagnostic equipment.
Welch Allyn medical diagnostic equipment features breakthrough technology, in an effort to help you see more detail, measure with accuracy and listen more clearly. Investing in this equipment is critical to your success in acquiring the fundamental skills needed in clinical practice.
See why Welch Allyn equipment can support you now, as you learn, and throughout your career as a provider.
Welch Allyn Diagnostic Sets
Learn and perfect the eye and ear exam with wide-view ophthalmoscopes and otoscopes.
Welch Allyn Blood Pressure Devices
Develop the right techniques with our manual BP gauges and integrated cuffs.
Welch Allyn
Practice auscultation and identifying heart and lung sounds with high-end acoustics.
Optometry Student Equipment
The Welch Allyn brand was established in 1915 with the invention of the first direct-illuminating hand-held ophthalmoscope. Viewing veins and arteries non-invasively during an eye exam can reveal more than you think. Let us change your view with our portfolio of tools for examining the eye.
Comparing Views through Ophthalmoscopes
Comparing Views through Ophthalmoscopes
See why Welch Allyn equipment can support you now, as you learn, and throughout your career as a provider.
- Welch Allyn PanOptic Plus Ophthalmoscope: See more and examine the eye with a 20X larger view compared to that of a standard ophthalmoscope.
- Welch Allyn Ophthalmic Sets: The essentials--ophthalmoscope, retinoscope, power handles--for learning and perfecting your exam skills.
- See how our Welch Allyn RetinaVue Care Delivery Model is saving sight through images and insights.