In the acute care setting, pressure injuries are still a serious concern, with 2.5 million patients acquiring them every year.¹ Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) not only cause delays in patient recovery, but also cost hospitals significantly. The nationwide cost burden for pressure injuries is poised to reach $26.8 billion.¹
The United States has consistently higher prevalence rates of pressure injuries than the average in comparable countries.² Having the right patient support surfaces is essential for the prevention of HAPIs — and Hillrom™ has created hospital mattresses and beds that help reduce this risk for patients in the acute care setting.³
Pressure injuries are areas of a patient’s skin that have localized tissue damage from a number of causes, including pressure, shear, friction, and microclimate.⁴
Pressure, shear, and friction create what is called mechanical load, and patients’ skin reacts by creating tissue injuries. A microclimate of heat and moisture then contributes to the skin’s breakdown.⁴
To help reduce the chances of a patient developing pressure injuries, Hillrom provides hospital beds and hospital bed mattresses like the Hillrom Centrella pro, pro+, and max, as well as Hillrom’s Progressa+ Advance and Accelerate.
One of the ways that these patient support surfaces help is by offering pressure redistribution, essentially providing a larger surface area while also allowing for the immersion of the body.⁵ Hillrom’s patient support surfaces also deliver:
● Continuous low-pressure support
● Targeted pressure redistribution
● Multi-zone surfaces
● StayInPlace technology
● SlideGuard technology
Advanced Microclimate Technology is yet another feature of the Hillrom patient support surfaces, helping to prevent an increase in skin temperature and humidity levels. The Hillrom advanced microclimate technology helps remove two to four times more heat and moisture than comparable surfaces.
Turn-assist technology is another important aspect of preventing pressure injuries.⁵ Hillrom beds offer this technology, helping to keep patients safer while also preventing injuries for the care team.