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Enhancing Healthcare Cybersecurity

Protecting patients means protecting data

As healthcare continues to evolve, more healthcare providers are relying on connected care solutions to help caregivers enhance outcomes. Consequently, medical devices transmitting Protected Health Information (PHI) to local networks and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems can become conduits for cyberattacks.

Advancing connected care in a safer way

The risk to healthcare networks—and your patient—call for enhanced security. We’re submitting our devices and solutions to the Department of Defense (DoD) cybersecurity framework to advance our connected care solutions safely and securely.

Helping you protect what matters

The cybersecurity challenges you’re facing are real—and the stakes have never been higher. Our Authority to Operate (ATO) accredited solutions can help you keep your patients and networks safe while enhancing outcomes.


Protect healthcare networks while securely transmitting and storing PHI.


Enhance patient safety and satisfaction.


Improve clinical communication and workflow through connected care.


Let’s work together to protect your patients and your networks.

Contact us to get started today.